December is one of our busiest periods of the year, at work and at home. There is more traffic on the roads, more people shopping, more waste and recycling and the list goes on. History tells us it’s also a time where more accidents happen. At WSG we want everyone spending the holiday season safe with their loved ones. Therefore, we ask you all to join our Home Safe Commitment in December. Below are six commitments that we’d like you to review and know. In December, start your day committing to those that are most relevant to the day ahead, and work on them actively until you are home safe.
Drivers, Operators & Auditors Home Safe Commitment:
PRIORITISE! Be clear on what your teams will and won’t do.
TALK to your teams about putting safety first.
CHECK IN on team members regularly.
QUALITY toolboxes and debriefs.
INDUCTIONS on safety need to be thorough.
BE SAFE yourself – model the behaviour you want to see in your teammates.
Support Employees Home Safe Commitment:
ALWAYS look to see what the traffic ahead is doing and wear your seatbelt.
ALWAYS review and follow your SWMs, procedures and permits.
ALWAYS check your weights are within limits and take your fatigue breaks.
OBEY road rules/speed limits and work to the conditions.
DON’T touch your handheld mobile phone or be distracted whilst driving.
DON’T rush. Be safe, methodical, and efficient.
Above all, always remember that no deadline or customer is worth compromising Safety.